The nightly train departs Hamburg-Altona station at 9.19 p.m. and arrives in Stockholm Central Station at 9.55 a.m. the next morning. Trains from Stockholm depart at 5.34 p.m. arriving in Hamburg-Altona at 6.37 a.m. Ticket prices start at EUR 35. Seated, couchette and sleeper cars are available in various travel and price categories. Tickets can be purchased at Deutsche Bahn counters or on SJ's website. SJ plans to expand the connection to Berlin via Hamburg Central Station between April and September. The new nightly train is the latest climate-friendly means of international transportl from Hamburg.
Stockholm now just 12.5 hours away thanks to Sweden's SJ railways
Swedish railways began operating a new 12.5 hour "SJ Euronight" train from Hamburg to Stockholm Monday (February 20, 2023). The return journey is available daily with stops in Copenhagen and Malmö.
Tickets now on sale
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