
Hamburg Innovation Awards honours regional companies

6 June 2024
HHIA accepting business ideas until deadline of June 30, 2024

Start-ups and companies across the Hamburg Metropolitan Region now have until the deadline of June 30, 2024 to enter the Hamburg Innovation Awards. Launched by the Hamburg Innovation Summit, the awards raise the visibility of start-ups and companies and will be presented in the Oberhafenquartier on September 12, 2024. The summit is a great networking opportunity. The teams stand to win prize money of EUR 5,000 in each category and other prizes.

Idea, Start and Growth categories

The Hamburg Innovation Awards have been presented in the categories "Idea , "Start" and "Growth" since 2015. Start-ups across the Hamburg Metropolitan Region that are in the pre-foundation or foundation phase can have their business idea evaluated in the "Idea" category. Companies that have been in existence for ten years or less are assessed in the "Start" category. The "Growth" category recognises the achievements of established companies. The finalists will host a stand at the Hamburg Innovation Summit. More information about the conditions can be found here

Sources and further information

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