
Hamburg to become model region of digitalized health care

6 September 2023
Tests of everyday electronic patient files and e-prescriptions underway in metropolitan region

Tests of digital applications including electronic patient files and e-prescriptions will get underway in mid-September when the Hamburg Metropolitan Region becomes the Gesellschaft für Telematik's (Gematik) first model region. The award comes after a tender by a consortium of the "Doctors Network" in Hamburg. The consortium will set up suitable digital infrastructure for the test phase to boost the digitalisation of healthcare.

Pioneering digitalised healthcare 

"The launch of the model region makes increasing digitisation in healthcare even more tangible. Findings and medication plans can be pooled and made digitally available to doctors' practices and hospitals quickly and easily," said Melanie Schlotzhauer, Senator for Labour, Health and Social Welfare. Medical information can be exchanged digitally, safely and across the model region. Commenting on the participating health facilities, Schlotzhauer remarked: "They allow us to test the great potential of digitalisation in healthcare across Hamburg and to take on a nationwide pioneering role."

Over 170 health facilities involved in model 

More than 170 healthcare facilities in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony have expressed interest in the test scheme. Dentists, doctors, hospitals and care facilities, pharmacies, midwives, psychotherapists and physiotherapists, ambulance services and health authorities are taking part in the trials. Health insurers are also backing the project, which is being co-ordinated by social welfare authorities. The patients decide to what extent their health data is made available electronically. Digital services can cut waiting times and mutliple health examinations.


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