"Now, it is important to bundle all the individual interests and skills to create a standard ecosystem and to stabilise it," said Prof. Martin Leucker, KI-SIGS consortium leader at UniTransferKlink Lübeck GmbH (UTK). The KI-SIGS project will focus on improving and applying medical AI technologies quickly as well as the criteria for approving AI-based technologies. The KI-Space, a platform that organises the transfer of knowledge, co-ordinates developments and drafts regulatory and ethical guidelines, is central to the project. Nine application projects will use AI techniques to investigate concrete and true-to-life medical issues including improving the quality of X-rays, optimizing ventilation therapy or detecting crisis situations in intensive care units.
Companies, universities and research institutions across northern Germany are pooling their expertise to develop their growth potential in AI and healthcare and held their first meeting in late May, a press release said Monday (June 22, 2020). The German government is putting EUR 10 million towards the AI-Space for Intelligent Health Systems (KI-SIGS) project.
Nine AI projects focusing on medical issues
Funds from German government
The German government has put EUR 10 million towards the project which launched in 2019 and is backed by the state governments of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Bremen. KI-SIGS is among 16 winners of the Artificial Intelligence 2019 innovation competition by the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The project is part of the Cluster Life Science North (LSN).
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