The participating start-ups were Airflow (U.S.), Mobius.Energy (U.S.), Fusion Engineering (Netherlands), Shift Aviation (Ireland), HeronFan (Germany) and Moonware (U.S.) and were mentored by the who's who of aviation and venture capitalists. Stephan Uhrenbacher, joint founder and Managing Director of Sustainable Aero Labs, commented: “Aviation is the toughest of all industries to decarbonize. Our motivation is to build a network that helps find answers to this global challenge facing an entire generation." He added: "When we started the Sustainable Aero Lab, we were unsure how the rather conservative aviation industry would react to the speed and the agility of this scheme. We were overwhelmed by the feedback and interest shown in the first season, and are really looking forward to scaling the initiative with the next cohort."
Six aviation start-ups have completed the Sustainable Aero Lab, backed by the Ministry for Economics and Innovation and funded by the Innovation and Development Bank Hamburg (IFB Hamburg). Launched in January, the scheme boosts swift, sustainable development opportunities in the sector and reduces aviation's carbon footprint.
Positive balance
Start-ups in Sustainable Aero Lab
Airflow baut ein hybrid-elektrisches Kurzstart- und Landeflugzeug (STOL) für die Logistik auf der mittleren Meile und will damit auf den massiv wachsenden Ecommerce-Markt reagieren. Das Startup entwickelt nicht nur ein Flugzeug, sondern die gesamte Betriebsumgebung. Das Konzept ist sowohl in Bezug auf die Flugzeuggröße, die Antriebstechnologie (z. B. Wasserstoff) als auch die Varianten (u. a. für den Passagierbetrieb) skalierbar. Während seiner Teilnahme am Sustainable Aero Lab konnte Airflow bereits 11 potenzielle Kunden mit Absichtserklärungen für einen Umsatz von 600 Millionen USD gewinnen.

Mobius.Energy is building a revolutionary safe, light, and energy-efficient battery with discharge and recharge rates to tackle the huge challenges posed by aviation. Its battery is suitable for the entire electric and hybrid-electric aircraft market. The investment group, GEM recently committed USD 50 million in funding, the start-up announced.
Fusion Engineering
Der Markt für kommerzielle Drohnen wächst immer schneller, aber Drohnen stürzen noch wesentlich häufiger ab als Luftfahrzeuge in der kommerziellen Luftfahrt. Fusion Engineering entwickelt daher ein Flugsteuerungssystem für kommerzielle Drohnen. Die Software soll eine noch nie dagewesene Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit für den Drohnenbetrieb bieten.

Shift Aviation
In der heutigen Luftfahrt sind Warteschleifen ein Grund für massiv erhöhte, unnötige Emissionen. Shift Aviation bietet ein vorausschauendes Managementsystem für den Luftverkehr, das Ankunftszeitfenster zwischen Flughäfen und Fluggesellschaften aushandelt und dadurch Verspätungen, Treibstoffverschwendung und CO2-Emissionen reduziert. Das System wurde von einem in einer großen Fluggesellschaft tätigen Piloten entwickelt.

HeronFan is a fledgling, Hamburg-based start-up and has come up with an entirely new engine design which integrates the turbine into the fan. While retaining the efficiency of the turbofan, the new engine has fewer parts, weighs less and requires less maintenance.
The San Francisco-based Moonware is automating ground operations for airports and vertiports. The start-up's fleet management software helps airports and airlines to optimize entire ground operations and improve the turnaround times for aircraft. It also allows for autonomous and electric pushback vehicles. The start-up is currently setting up a pilot case with a leading international airline.
No application deadline for Sustainable Aero Lab
Start-ups collaborate with some of the world’s leading experts in aviation, venture capital and sciences to turn their projects into commercially viable businesses during a stint in the Sustainable Aero Lab. Founders can apply online via with their pitch deck. The next cohort will meet on December 2, 2021.
Sources and further information
Sustainable Aero Lab
Founded by Stephan Uhrenbacher's Density Ventures, Hamburg Aviation, and ZAL Center of Applied Aero Research, the Sustainable Aero Lab is backed by Hamburg's Ministry of Economics and Innovation (BWI) and funded through the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB). The Sustainable Aero Lab also serves as a think tank to publicly discuss, share and navigate sustainability developments in commercial aviation.
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