The three-month "Stealth Mode" incubator is designed to help entrepreneurs scale and grow their business backed by mentors, via networking and workshops and with access to potential investors and on a demo day. Hamburg Invest's Startup-Unit will also be present as a workshop host in Hamburg on the topic of funding. The Hamburg-based mentors include Elena Girlich (PwC), Christian Jorg of the German Accelerator and entrepreneur Ronja Stoffregen.
Factory Berlin, operator of the Factory Hammerbrooklyn in Hamburg, is launching a mentorship scheme in Hamburg called "Female Incubator Stealth Mode" from September 27 to December 15, 2021. Women and non-binary early-stage tech start-ups with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) or prototype are invited to submit their applications digitally by September 12, 2021.
Mentors, networking, workshops and demo day
Stealth Mode incubator
The "Stealth Mode" scheme aims to counteract the severe underrepresentation of women founders in the start-up scene where they account for merely 15.7 per cent all over Germany. Thus, 84.3 per cent of start-ups are founded by men, according to the Female Founders Monitor 2020. The incubator, which launches in both Hamburg and Berlin, gives founders from underrepresented backgrounds and marginalized communities more resources, support and greater visibility. Factory Hammerbrooklyn is among the ranks of the Impact Hub Hamburg, Hamburg Startups and the start-up initiative Hei that all seek to raise the visibility of female founders.
Sources and further information
Factory Hammerbrooklyn
The Factory Hammerbrooklyn in central Hamburg brings society, companies, talented people, freelancers and start-ups together to experiment, learn and create innovations. Factory Hammerbrooklyn opened in May on a 7,000 square metre site between the Deichtorhallen and the wholesale market. It is managed by Nico Gramenz, CEO of Factory Berlin.
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