Ten African and European performers bring works of art in Hamburg to life and take a critical look at colonial looted art. Jessica Nupen has received EUR 114,000 for her "Reparation Nation" project while Marc Agten has secured EUR 4,471 for an interactive, rapped city tour entitled, "Beats, Rhymes and History", on colonial history from a postcolonial perspective. Dagmar Rauwald's alternative, feminist perspective on patriarchal seafaring has secured EUR 54,360 in funds for her "Sea Women's Parade - 2 Against the Wind" project.
Ministry of Culture and Media lists seven projects - African and European perspectives
The Ministry of Culture and Media has announced EUR 500,000 in grants for seven projects by freelance artists based in Hamburg. The projects have socially-underlying themes and range from a critical view of looted colonial art, women at sea and guides who rap their way around the city. The funding should strengthen the diversity and quality of the independent scene.
Post-colonial and feminist perspectives
New perspectives thanks to cross-genre projects
"The 'Elbkulturfonds' allow people to execute cross-genre projects and encourage artists and groups to realise their innovative, creative ideas," said Dr. Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media. The funded projects open up different perspectives, he added. More information can be found on the new website.
Sources and further information
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