Artificial Intelligence

EUR 50,000 for AI projects in education

27 October 2023
Applications for "Media and Education Hamburg" now being accepted

Organisers of media education projects focusing on AI can now submit their applications for the "Media and Education Hamburg" funds, a press release said Monday (October 23, 2023). The Ministry of Schools and Vocational Training is making EUR 50,000 available for this scheme. 

Deepening understanding of AI 

"This money should boost creative digital media ideas," said Ties Rabe, Senator for Education. Around EUR 550,000  have been invested in media skills promotion since 2021. The previously unallocated funds will now be used to deepen the understanding of AI in educational projects. "Projects give children, young people and adults an opportunity to deal with various aspects of AI. They learn how AI solves problems, to be creative and can understand and query the  opportunities and challenges of AI," he added.

EUR 5,000 per project

Institutions and initiatives, independent child and youth welfare organizations, schools and residents with expertise in AI  and media education are eligible to apply. A maximum of EUR 5,000 per project is available. Applications should be sent to the Youth Information Center (JIZ) by the deadline of January 31, 2024.


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