“We have known, not only since the pandemic, that media competence is an important component for political and societal participation,” said Ties Rabe, Senator for Education. More money is being invested in media education than ever before with EUR 300,000 available this year. “It is essential that we properly prepare Hamburg’s pupils and teachers for the digital world. The basis is now being created with the Medien und Bildung Hamburg project fund.”
How do I recognize fake news? How can I navigate the web in a carbon-neutral way? And what else do I have to look out for in digital space? Children, youths and adults will be focusing on these three media education themes during the project funded by the new “Medien und Bildung Hamburg (Media and Education in Hamburg). The Ministry for Schools and Vocational Training (BSB) hopes to boost innovative and creative ideas in digital media for the future. Registration has opened.
Media competence is essential in a democracy
Residents with ideas or professional skills may register
The funds will go towards projects that promote the digital competencies of children, youths and young adults and provide an impulse for sustainable development in digital skills, media literacy and education. The maximum subsidy per project and year is EUR 50,000. Large projects should have structural effect and generate public awareness. Hamburg-based institutions and initiatives, independent organizations in child and youth work as well as residents with professional skills and good ideas, irrespective of their age, are invited to participate. Administration of the funds will be through the BSB via the (JIZ) youth information centre. Applications can be submitted through 30 April 2022. A subsequent round of funding is planned for 2023.
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