
Cross-innovation workshop to counter lack of skilled labour

16 October 2023
Register now for Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft's workshop on October 16, 2023

The Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft's is hosting a "Cross Innovation Starter Workshop #2 - Skills Shortage" on Thursday, October 26, 2023 in the Design Zentrum Hamburg from 2pm. The workshop should give employers tools to find qualified staff and to retain them in the long term. The lack of skilled labour affects many industries and regions and requires inspired strategies. 

Developing solutions to shortage of skilled labour 

Companies taking part in the workshop can engage in 1:1 sparring with creative professionals, develop initial approaches  and get to know means of promoting Hamburg's creative industries. Recruiting expert Julian Stahl, Head of Market Intelligence at New Work SE, will give insight into skills shortages and there will be plenty of opportunities for networking. Numbers are limited to a maximum five companies. Registrations are being accepted until October 19, 2023.


Sources and further information

Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft is Germany's largest urban creative industries promotion agency. Launched in 2010, it has long since become the main point of contact for people starting out in their careers, founders, employees and solo self-employed people in architecture, visual arts, design, film, literature, music, press, broadcasting, software/games, theatre/dance and advertising. It hosts workshops, lectures and networking events, and offers individual consultations, coaching and funding schemes as well as support accessing financing. Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft has 16 buildings and provides working space for about 600 users. Incubators, accelerators, labs and other events help creatives to initiate innovations.

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