The "Discussing EU - China Climate Co-operation" on November 23 and 24, 2022 will bring together experts from all over Europe, Germany and China to confer on means of combatting the global climate crisis and how to shape the energy transition internattonally. The event will start with speeches by Jennifer Morgan, State Secretary and Special Representative for International Climate Policy at the German Federal Foreign Office, Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif, President of the Hamburg Academy of Sciences, and Jacob Werksman, Principal Advisor for International Aspects of EU Climate Policy in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Climate Policy. Expert talks on international co-operation, green technologies and zero-emission cities will feature Dr. Christine Loh from the Institute of Environment at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Liu Hongqiao, policy advisor and climate journalist in Paris, Dr. Alicia García-Herrero of the European think tank Bruegel and many more. The symposium will be held in City Hall and can also be followed per livestream.
This year's China Time gets underway in Hamburg's City Hall Wednesday (November 23, 2022) through Sunday (November 27, 2022) under the theme of "Global Climate Change". Delegates can look forward to the expert symposium "Discussing EU - China Climate Cooperation" and a wide-range of German-Chinese cultural offers in the Yu Garden at the weekend. The partners of China Time Hamburg 2022 are the Körber Foundation, the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), the Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Foundation, the East Asian Association Hamburg (OAV) and Hamburg's Chamber of Commerce.
Symposium on climate change
China Time's cutlural weekend
The climate will also take centre stage during China Time's cultural events, curated by a jury appointed by the Ministry of Culture and Media. The events include the multimedia exhibition "Future Fashion Project" from November 18 to December 4 at the Design Center Hamburg and the percussion concert "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" on November 23 in the Elbephilharmonie's Laeiszhalle. A variety of German-Chinese cultural events are also on offer at the Chinese teahouse Yu Garden in Hamburg-Rotherbaum this weekend. Admission is free.
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