
Build of new e-bus depot starts in Hamburg

19 July 2024
Hamburger Hochbahn's EUR 42.3 million electromobility site to be operational in 2026

Hamburger Hochbahn laid Wednesday (July 17, 2024) the foundation stone of its EUR 42.3 million all-electric bus depot in Meiendorf following the approval of construction last November. Around 130 zero-emission buses will serve the north-east of Hamburg from Meiendorf beginning in summer 2026.

New e-bus depot milestone for transport transition

"Hochbahn's new electric depot is a major boost for mobility and the switch to electric vehicles in north-east Hamburg," said Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport. The 28,000 square metre site will include charging and parking spaces, administrative and social areas, garages and washing facilities. The districts of Rahlstedt, Volksdorf, Berne and Farmsen in the hinterland  will become more accessible and the climate improved at the same time. Green roofs and facades, photovoltaic systems, waste heat utilisation for charging technology, green electricity and treated rainwater for the car wash will make the depot sustainable. "In this way, modern, effective mobility, transport links to the outskirts of the city and climate protection will go hand in hand," said Tjarks.

Groundbreaking ceremony in Meiendorf
Hamburg Hochbahn board team and Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport (f l to r) celebrate groundbreaking in Meiendorf

Hochbahn  focusing on electromobility

Hochbahn opened the first emission-free depot in Alsterdorf in 2019 and is also converting other bus depots to zero-emission drives. A new depot is to be et up e.g., on the island of Veddel. The Cologne-based architectural firm, JSWD, has designed the so-called "Zusammenhub" there. The plans foresee a bus depot, a bus interchange and other transport services, space for shops and other amenities as well as co-working spaces on a 20,000 square metre site. Construction is due to begin in 2025 and should be completed in 2029.

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