
500th e-taxi now on roads across Hamburg

16 August 2023
City funding conversion to zero-emission taxis and pioneering switch

The 500th e-taxi is now travelling on roads across Hamburg and every sixth taxi is powered by a zero-emission engine. The city is pioneering environment-friendly taxi fleets as part of the "Future Taxi" project underway since 2021, the Ministry for Transport said. More than 4,000 tons of CO2 have been saved so far.  

Impressive "Future Taxi" project

"The 500th e-taxi in Hamburg is an impressive example of the drive transition which is shaping the future," said  Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport. The project helps reduce CO2 emissions and sends a signal to other cities and countries. "It also strengthens the acceptance and image of the taxi industry in the city," he added. Under the plans, four more taxi ranks with eight fast-charging stations for e-taxis will be installed to encourage local taxi companies to switch to zero-emission vehicles. More than 200 grants have been awarded since April 2023, the ministry said.

Fast-charging points for 80 e-taxis 

The ministry is working with local taxi companies, associations and industry and other partners to bring taxis up to date and to create the infrastructure for an environment-friendly means of transport. Around 80 fast-charging points for e-taxis will be set up all over Hamburg by late 2024. Around 65 inclusive e-vehicles, a rise of 25, should be available by summer 2024. Grants are also available to purchase hydrogen-powered taxis. Interested companies can apply online to convert to zero-emission vehicles.


Sources and further information

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