

New Hamburg-Israeli collaboration to boost female founders

2 November 2021
First joint event on November 10

Conference on Future of Europe to actively shape change

1 November 2021
Europeans invited to enter ideas and launch events by spring 2022

Artificial intelligence bridging gap between Germany and U.S.

29 October 2021
Petra Vorsteher launches latest funding initiative - AI key to future

Record number of female applicants for proTechnicale gap year

28 October 2021
Scheme to increase share of women in STEM degree courses

Hochbahn draws positive balance of driverless HEAT minibus

27 October 2021
Last test runs with passengers in HafenCity end

Gender diversity crucial to artificial intelligence sector

26 October 2021
SERIES (4): "Female AI – four questions to women in AI." Interviewee: Dr.-Ing. Susan Wegner VP AI & Data Analytics at Lufthansa Industry Solutions

Hamburg's Pydro on a mission to save water

25 October 2021
Clean tech start-up develops smart system to minimize water loss and prevent burst pipes

Impact Hub Hamburg seeks urban climate innovations at Climathon

22 October 2021
Register now for online hackathon from October 29-30, 2021

Hamburg and Vay to put remote-controlled cars on roads

22 October 2021
City and Vay agree mobility partnership - electric car-sharing service to launch in Bergedorf next year

Gen-Z start-up weekend to focus on youths' ideas for future

19 October 2021
Apply now for start-up weekend from November 5-7, 2021

Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein forge closer co-operation

15 October 2021
Keener focus on energy transition, transport and digitalisation

Smart loading zones to relieve traffic in Hamburg

15 October 2021
New SmaLa pilot project launched in run-up ITS World Congress
393 results
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