The focus will turn, for instance, to the link between flying seeds and airplanes Two workshops will delve into the world of plants and flight bionics and explain the links between nature and technology. Two lectures will focus on flight technology and explain why airplanes fly and how drones work. Hydrogen, the fuel of the future, will also be explained in an understandable manner. The agenda will conclude with a talk on the energy transition and climate-friendly energy systems of the future. The event also includes a speed-dating event on careers for young people aged 13 and over. Youths will also have an opportunity to talk to companies such as Airbus, Lufthansa Technik and Hamburg Airport.
The Young Talents Hamburg (YOTA) Technology Action Day on Friday February 10, 2023 will highlight 3D printing, artificial intelligence, drones and hydrogen to stir up interest among young people. Children from the age of eight and their families can get a taste of various fields at the Berliner Tor of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) campus. The agenda features talks, workshops and a marketplace with hands-on activities and offers for career orientation. Registrations are now being accepted for the free event. However, places are limited. Initiated by Hamburg Invest, YOTA works with companies, universities and other institutions.
Workshops and talks on technology
Hands-on activities at marketplace
The marketplace in the HAW auditorium will give youngsters an opportunity to try out e.g., 3D printers or to make key chains. Universities such as HAW Hamburg, Hamburg University of Technology and the Open Lab at Helmut Schmidt University and companies such as Airbus, Fraunhofer CML, Hamburg Airport, Lufthansa Technik, MINT Experimente and Science Lab will explain how bionics and artificial intelligence work.
Sources and further information
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