Artificial Intelligence

Watch out for KAI, the virtual influencer, on Linkedin

26 June 2023
nextMedia.Hamburg's avatar, KAI post weekly AI news and applications

The risks posed by ChatGPT, whether hyped or disruptive, are a hot topic nowadays. nextMedia.Hamburg is now launching the virtual AI influencer named KAI who posts weekly AI news on the Linkedin job network. This unusual influencer will shed light on the possible use of AI in media and give users an opportunity to weigh up the pros and cons of the technology.

Generative AI streamlines editorial processes 

"AI is rightly a topic that will shape the future. However, what exactly a media world backed by AI would look like is rarely asked," said Dr Nina Klaß, Head of nextMedia.Hamburg. "Thus, we have decided to let KAI write texts with the technology now used by media professionals. This should create a public image in social media about the possibilities that generative artificial intelligence is opening up for the media industry." The use of such AI tools in the content industry could streamline editorial processes and allow professionals to focus more on selecting topics and on their research. However, fears are growing that AI-generated images would make disinformation more credible, which in turn raises the need for transparency of use and understanding in the industry.

Image of KAI

KAI writes posts and conducts interviews

The social media analysis tool, Talkwalker, supplies information for KAI's social media posts. ChatGPT then generates the texts which editors check thoroughly for factuality before publication. This process could soon become everyday, according to nextMedia.Hamburg. KAI's topics range from the historical development of AI to EU law. KAI recently presented a new European AI model and a sample application by Burda publishing. Then, it interviewed Elisabeth L'Orange, joint founder of Oxolo, a start-up for AI-generated product videos. KAI also initiated a debate about AI tools among nextMedia.Hamburg's followers on Linkedin. More posts by KAI will be published on the platform later. 


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