Leah Rott, Gerret Halberstadt and Patrick Chalet of "Saferspaces" have set their sights on safer clubs and bars. Their app of the same name connects people in potentially dangerous night-time situations so that they can get help quickly in an emergency and avoid attacks. Meanwhile, the "Urb View" concept aims to put urban planning on an equal footing using artificial intelligence. Womens' safety needs and those of LGBTI* community are taken into account to design safer cities.
Womens' ideas for safe spaces at night and equality in urban planning have scooped the 2022 "Innovation in Digital Equality Award" (IDEA) worth EUR 25,000 and presented by the senate. The "Safer Spaces" and "Urb View" ideas are just two examples of technical innovations by women. Frederike Probert, founder of "Mission Female" won the honorary award for many years of commitment to gender equality network.
Safe spaces at night and safe cities
Technological innovations
"Many areas of our lives have been changed by digital technologies. These changes have a direct impact on equality policy because structural discrimination also exists in digital spaces," said Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science, Research and Equality. This year's winners all strive to use technological innovations so that everyone can live together equally and safely in public spaces, regardless of gender and sexual orientation, she noted.
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