"We support the purpose-built approach. We are focusing on the needs of companies interested in renting offices, catering space or consultants' rooms and involve them in the planning process," said Friedrich Brandt, Managing Director of Deutsche Immobilien Gesellschaft mbH (DIG). A combined office and multi-purpose building is being built on around 9,000 square metres of gross floor space and will offer flexible-use space for companies and tradespeople including start-ups and medium-sized businesses. The design foresees a day-care centre, space for restaurants and consultants' rooms. Preventive health-care offers include gymns, nutrition counselling and physiotherapy.
Around 50 per cent of the space in the cutting-edge Nordheide Technology and Innovation Park (TIP) health and innovation campus, which is being built in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, has already been let. TIP is being built at a cost of EUR 19 million and is due for completion in 2024, according to plans presented at an on-site meeting in early July.
Purpose-built concept
Mobility centre
The three-storey campus building is being hailed as a flagship project: "The building will help revive the park thanks to its location on TIP's piazza. At the same time, we are working on other milestones that will round off the concept," said Jens Wrede, Managing Director of WLH Wirtschaftsförderung im Landkreis Harburg GmbH. They include a mobility centre with sharing services for cars, scooters and bicycles, charging stations, parking spaces and other innovative approaches to mobility of the future. WLH hopes to bring together companies' operational innovations and applied research in TIP. Companies that offer knowledge-based jobs and are further developing their products should be able to draw on the support of science.

Digital simulation for more sustainability
The new building is geared towards a comprehensive sustainability approach, according to architect Lars Debbert. "That includes economical and sensible use of resources, the use of recycled building materials, a sustainable energy supply and digital simulation methods to avoid mistakes in planning and construction and to optimise the use and energy supply of the building," he noted.
Sources and further information
TIP Innovation Park Nordheide
Smart commercial sites are being developed in the TIP Innovationspark Nordheide in Buchholz. WLH is focusing on high ecological, economic, social and functional quality. Apart from certification by the German Sustainable Building Council (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e. V.), that includes a 5G campus network, which will be used by companies and universities as a testing ground for applied research.
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