The first episode features Michael Westhagemann, Senator for Economics, who talks about the challenges facing Hamburg's economy in future. Andreas Richter, Head of Department for Innovation, Industry and Clusters, explains the term "cluster policy" in the second episode. Hinrich Habeck, Life Science Cluster, Jan Solle and Jessica Wegener, Maritime Cluster, Jan Rispens, Renewable Energy Cluster and Nina Klaß, Next.Media Hamburg will answer questions in upcoming episodes of the podcast.
#madeinhamburg highlights current affairs and ministry's latest projects
The Ministry of Economics has launched a new podcast named #madeinhamburg which will be released every three weeks. The podcast gives the public insight into the ministry's tasks and latest. The first two episodes of the podcast have been available on Spotify since February 18, 2022 and will be available on other platforms soon.
First episodes available
Focus on economic issues
The podcast will focus on current and innovation topics including cluster policy, the port development plan, climate neutrality in industry and Hamburg's start-up scene, the ministry said. Guests include stakeholders in commerce, managing directors of the clusters as well as leading members of the ministry.

Sources and further information
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