Press release

Hamburg Invest’s new real estate portal

7 April 2022
Enhanced property search for companies

In the city-state of Hamburg, land is a scarce commodity. For companies on the look-out for suitable commercial premises or office spaces, the search can be both challenging and time-consuming. To alleviate the search and to provide users with comprehensive information on Hamburg's commercial real estate market, Hamburg Invest has revamped its services and aligned them with changing market parameters. Launched in April 2022 under a new name and a new domain, Hamburg Invest’s new real estate portal has a state-of-the-art, user-friendly design and provides plenty of useful resources.

The online portal has been given a fresh look and feel. Fundamentally redesigning and updating the system architecture had become necessary to meet the higher demands of market players. The portal now offers an easy-to-use search feature for a database of over 1,500 municipal and private commercial properties made available by the City of Hamburg as well as private owners, project developers and Hamburg-based brokers. The commercial spaces on display come with detailed information, including pictures and plans as well as the relevant contacts details.

However, users are not left to their own devices, but are encouraged to take advantage of the advisory services offered by Hamburg’s business development corporation.


The managing director of Hamburg Invest, Dr Rolf Strittmatter, explained:

“The Business sector continues to invest heavily in Hamburg. During the pandemic, the focus has been mainly on larger, technology-oriented projects. Currently, we are once again experiencing increased demand from small and medium-sized enterprises too. All of these companies can now benefit from optimised, streamlined support services as they realise their project at the location – whether founding, setting up, expanding or relocating their business.”


Thanks to enhanced geo-referencing – i.e. an exact location and view of the sites/properties – the new portal offers a comprehensive overview of over 600 business locations in Hamburg across categories such as municipal commercial properties, innovation parks, office and hotel projects, trading estates and craftsmen's yards, as well as logistics and micro hubs. The portal is entirely ad-free and key information is displayed in both German and English, allowing international companies to find their way around the website.

The new portal is a valuable resource not only to potential users but also to real estate vendors as these are invited to make their property available on the online portal via an easy-to-use interface connection. Hamburg Invest thus provides an additional, attractive sales channel to smaller private real estate vendors in particular.


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