"Planning and building involves many complex processes in which precisely developed software can save valuable time. We are bundling experience and know-how from two federal states with Berlin to get construction projects and especially urgently-needed new housing construction off the ground quickly," Thomas noted. The first project, managed by the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing in Hamburg, should speed up the complex procedures involved in drafting development plans and is expected to launch soon. BPlan-Cockpit software is to be developed to guide clerks through the digital workflow.
The cities of Hamburg and Berlin have signed an agreement on the joint development, funding and execution of digital projects in the planning and building sector, a press release said Tuesday (July 27, 2021). The agreement is expected to improve digitalisation in both cities’ administrations, according to the signatories Monika Thomas, State Councillor in Hamburg, and Regula Lüscher, Berlin's Senate Building Director and State Secretary.
Collaboration to speed up building projects
Digital sovereignty and "one for all" principle
The collaboration on the software is in line with the European Commission's goal of European digital sovereignty. Accordingly, public administrations can carry out their sovereign tasks and activities in the digital sector autonomously, self-determinedly, independently and securely. The "one for all" principle under which one federal state develops programmes for use by other states should boost efficiency. The Online Access Act (OZG) aims to link up the powers of the German government, the states and the municipalities to accelerate digitalisation in urban administration across Germany. That requires the involvement of even more, diverse stakeholders who will jointly develop and maintain specialised software in future.