Cross-border stories about extraordinary people, ideas and deeds are now taking centre stage. The jury has nominated five entries in each category including well-known names and smaller projects with passion, creativity and charisma. The entries had to meet criteria such as transnational impact on the metropolitan region and the number of people motivated by a particular project. The jury consists of nine public figures including Christoph Lieben-Seutter, General Director of the Elbphilharmonie and Laeiszhalle, and Andreas Rieckhof, State Councillor of the Ministry of Economics, Transport and Innovation and Chairman of the Regional Council of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.
The jury has shortlisted 15 nominees out of 116 entries for the Metropolitaner Award 2020, a press release said Monday (June 15, 2020). Presented in the categories "People from the Region", "Companies" and "Foundations & Associations", the award honours special commitment to the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.
15 emotional, creative stories
Vote now
The public can vote online for their three favourite finalists from June 16, 2020 until late July. Over 30 exciting prizes will be raffled among voters. These include tickets for the Elbphilharmonie, annual supplies of Kölln muesli, Block House vouchers and subscriptions for the weekly ZEIT newspaper, tickets for indoor skiing at the Alpincenter Wittenburg and special tours of Schwerin Castle, as well as a weekend trip around the Hamburg Metropolitan Region in a fully electric MINI Cooper SE.
Award ceremony in September
The awards will be presented on September 1, 2020 in the Elbphilharmonie. Cash prizes of EUR 2,500 each will go towards projects in the categories "People from the Region" and "Foundations & Associations" in addition to the main awards.
Sources and further information
Solidarity in the era of corona
The coronavirus has presented people all over the world with challenges unlike anything in post-war history. Solidarity is now more important than ever - in society and across borders. "We depend on mutual help and are proud of so many courageous initiatives that help people in our region to cope with the situation," said the organizers. The award was created in 2019 to highlight and strengthen solidarity in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.
www.metropolitan award
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