OTTO's AI conference entitled Main Session 2.0 kick-starts events on August 29. Data and AI products will be presented at various talks under the #Talents banner and experts can network across companies. Insights will be given into the technology used at the Xing career network, the Technische Krankenkasse health insurer or Otto mail order. This year's AI Summit on August 30 will be held under the motto of "Understand, develop and apply". Start-ups, SMEs and corporations will present successful use cases and discuss possible paths with experts from business and science under the #Business. The festival is organised by ARIC, the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg and the Chamber of Commerce.
Stakeholders in AI will come together from August 29 to September 3, 2022 for the to highlight the latest trends and raise awareness of a responsible approach to algorithms. The festival will offer insight into experts' areas with talks on the opportunities and challenges of the technology. A multitude of other festival events will show how AI can shape the economy of the future and give examples of AI-supported work and the latest stage of the technology.
Hybrid festival
Topics from #International to #Society
On August 31, the focus will be on how AI can advance sustainability and how young entrepreneurs can go global. AI.Hamburg, the AI.Startup.Hub, German Entrepeneurship and the German AI association have given their event day the hashtag "International". Under #Creativity, creativity and innovation methods will be presented on September 1 to develop AI-business models including bootcamps like "Hack your Company". On September 2, the focus will be on how such business models can be developed and operated responsibly: #Responsibility. Managed by, the alliance of Hamburg's computer science universities, and The Interface Society (This!), emphasis is on data bias, models and algorithms. The festival week will close on September 3 with a wide range of events under #Society. Details will be published closer to the event.
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