The three-day Cross Innovation Hub brings together public and semi-public institutions from all over Europe. Delegates can take part in amusing, professionally-led online workshops and learn how to work as helpful bridge builders in cross innovation processes.
The Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft is gearing up to host the free, digital "Cross Innovation Conference" from December 2-4, 2020. This comes amid rapid, industry-wide change including shorter innovation cycles and more complex markets that require swift solutions to remain globally competitive. This is where long-term bridge-builders come in.
Becoming a bridge builder
Future driven by cross innovation
Topics on the agenda include creating opportunities for cross innovation across the economy and the public sector's role in promoting cross-sectoral co-operation. The conference will also focus on what a future driven by cross innovation can look like, existing practical approaches in Europe and scientific supporting evidence. The conference aims to develop the European network and promote talks among diverse stakeholders.
Sources and further information
Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Founded in 2010, Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft is the main point of contact for stakeholders in Hamburg's creative industries - from architecture, music to advertising. The company offers creative professionals its services and promotes innovation via the Cross Innovation Hub. It has been responsible for industry-specific initiatives such as Gamecity Hamburg, nextMedia.Hamburg and designxport since 2017.
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