
Crystal Cabin Awards presented in Hamburg

31 May 2024
Winners of prestigious award for cabin technology and passenger experience

The prestigious Crystal Cabin Awards for more comfortable and sustainable aviation were presented Tuesday (May 28, 2024) during a gala dinner in the Chamber of Commerce Hamburg. Awards were handed out in the categories Cabin Concepts, Cabin Systems, Health & Safety, IFEC & Digital Services, Materials & Components, Passenger Comfort, Sustainable Cabin and University.

New passenger experience standards

“This year's submissions included many outstanding innovations that set new standards for the passenger experience by better recognising and responding to passengers’ individual needs across all ticket classes,"said Ralf Gust, President of the Crystal Cabin Awards Association. Diehl Aviation triumphed in the "Sustainable Cabin" category with its weight-reducing, eco-efficient sidewall, which lowers fuel consumption and pollution. The award in the "Passenger Comfort" category was awarded jointly to Diehl Aviation and Qantas Airways for the "Wellbeing Zone". It offers passengers on long-haul flights more comfort through biorhythm-optimised lighting and movement options.

Crystal Cabin Awards 2024
Diehl Aviation, Coop. Qantas Airways Ltd "The Wellbeing Zone"

Other winners 

The award in the “Cabin Concepts" category went to the BermudAir Aisle Class Suite, an innovation by Factorydesign and BermudAir. This luxurious area offers both comfort and additional storage space. “Starlight” by Collins Aerospace won the award in the “Material and Components” category for structural technology that reduces the weight of aircraft components and cuts production costs at the same time. This technology allows airlines to design cabin interiors without sacrificing thermal and acoustic insulation properties, while keeping weight to a minimum. Meanwhile, Safran Cabin won the "Cabin Systems" category for its galley waste disposal unit dubbed theCUBE. This system can be easily integrated into any unused space in the galley and is flushed by simply closing the door. An innovative safety bag by Accenture won the award in the “Health & Safety” category. The bag can contain fire, smoke and toxic gases in the event of lithium battery failure. Thales Avionics won the "IFEC and Digital Services" award thanks to its cloud-based in-flight entertainment solution while a team from Tongji University in Shanghai won the “University” award for its lightweight Flexifold economy seat - a folding and snapping mechanism for efficient body support.


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