
Award for digital twins of Hamburg, Leipzig and Munich

27 October 2022
"Connected Urban Twins" wins DVW Future Prize

The "Connected Urban Twins - Urban Data Platforms and Digital Twins for Integrated Urban Development" (CUT) project by the cities of Hamburg, Leipzig and Munich has won the DVW Future Prize for networking their activities and advancing the development towards smart cities. DVW e. V. is the largest scientific and technical association in the field of geodesy, geoinformation and land management in Germany. Urban twins are digital images of buildings, streets, waterways as well as administrative and transport procedures.

Digital twins and achieving smart cities

"We want to establish urban digital twins as tools for integrated urban development and citizen participation and to show other cities and municipalities new ways forward based on our experience," said Dr Nora Reinecke, Project Manager. Commenting on the award, Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Kutterer, President of DVW, said: "CUT combines the partners' basic activities in terms of digital twins and smart cities effectively and efficiently. These are scientific and technological mega trends in the present decade that can only be shaped and used in a practical and concerted manner through interdisciplinary interaction and with sufficient financial resources."   

CUT data platform - digital models connected to real world

The partnership has several advantages for the three cities. The data and algorithms of the digital twins are connected to sensors in the real world and provide a collaborative data platform for the cities in addition to 3D city models. Launched in 2021, CUT is scheduled to run until 2025.  

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