Artificial Intelligence

AI to improve storm surge forecasts

26 February 2025
Researchers at University of Hamburg predicting frequency and height of storm surges

Researchers at the University of Hamburg's Centre for Earth System Research and Sustainability, led by Dr. Daniel Krieger, are now using weather data, a climate computational model and AI to predict the average number and intensity of storm surges for coastal cities in the German Bight over the next ten years.

Several hundred times faster 

Using the examples of Cuxhaven, Esbjerg (Denmark) and Delfzijl (Netherlands), their study shows that the forecasts are reliable and extremely fast. Cuxhaven was hit by an average of 11.6 storm surges per year over the last decade. The model came up with 12.8 storm surges, with a tolerance of 1.6 plus or minus for the same period.

"Until 2029, the number of 12 storm surges per year will remain quite similar," said Krieger, a climate modeller. But the same cannot be said for extreme floods: "While the highest annual storm surge has averaged 2.5 metres over the past decade, our model predicts an average of three metres for the next five years."

Until now, climate models have indicated whether more storms would form in the North Sea, but not how they would affect coastal cities because their resolution was not high enough. Krieger's team used the hourly water level measurements taken in cities, where they have been recorded for several decades. The ten-year forecasts were then linked to the AI model to produce specific forecasts for individual cities and were generated in a mere second.

Key information for coastal protection, dyke building and infrastructure

The data yielded will be crucial for coastal protection, building dykes and safeguarding port infrastructure. The forecasts would provide interesting results for the 2030s, as internal climate fluctuation is still dampening the effects of sea-level rise. This could be reversed in a few years, Krieger believes, leading to higher storm surges. The climate modeller now wants to use the new measurement  to determine where this could happen.

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