"We are convinced that the discourse on the future of work is now more important than ever. But getting excited about these changes and driving change requires a deep understanding of the needs of both people and organizations - and a change in perspective," said Petra von Strombeck, CEO of New Work SE. This change of perspective is at the heart of the New Work Experience, she added.
The U.S. author John Strelecky is among this year's calibre speakers. Strelecky is the inventor of the "Big Five for Life" concept which reconciles work and personal fulfillment, and a hit philosophical book entitled "The Café at the Edge of the World". Michael Hüther, Director of the German Economic Institute in Cologne, is among the other speakers. Hüther is a proponent of unconditional basic income, and counts among Germany's most influential economists. The corporate anthropologist, Jitske Kramerm will also give a keynote. The Dutch national has called for more inclusive leadership with a view to cultural diversity.