Hamburg Metropolitan Region

New Elbe Ferry to Link Brunsbüttel and Cuxhaven

19 May 2019
Scheduled services by Elb-Link to start by summer. 24 departures per day

Brunsbüttel and Cuxhaven will be moving closer once again by a new Elbe ferry taking up a regular service between the port cities by summer 2015. The new service will be operated by Elbe Link shipping line with two RoRo vesssels, with a third vessel scheduled to start operations in 2016. The potential of the new link is promising. The BalticMarineConsult GmbH from Rostock estimates the annual traffic at 265,000 cars, 48.000 trucks, and 625,000 passengers.

24 Services per Day

The Elb-Link Reederei GmbH announced to offer 24 departures each day, with a boat departing every 90 minutes from Brunsbüttel and Cuxhaven. Its RoRo ferries will cross the Elbe river at 16 knots with 160 cars and 600 passengers or 52 cars and 16 trucks, respectively. Drivers of cars will have to pay 25 euro for the crossing at the terminal, and 23 euro when booking online. Fees for trucks depend on the size of the truck and the frequency of crossings.

Million Investment

The start of operation of the new Elbe ferry will create 50 new jobs in the region. Each ferry will feature a self service restaurant with 400 seats, a coffee lounge, and a shop selling souvenirs and travel essentials. According to the shipping company, the implementation of the new ferry service is a million euro investment. Among others, a new lighting system will be installed. Next to the RoRo ramp, also parking spaces for trucks and storage spaces for freight be extended at Brunsbüttel ports.

Experienced Operator

With the Elbe Link shipping line, the business developers of egeb: Wirtschaftsförderung contracted an operator with years of experience in the ferry business and in the international market-oriented. Since 1995, the shipping company has been operating the ferry service between the mainland and the islands of Estonia.


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