The conference will bring together international delegates online and on-site. "Based on our experience of the Hamburg Games Conference Online in 2021, we are again offering international delegates who cannot travel to Hamburg an event feeling at home," said Dennis Schoubye, Project Manager at Gamecity Hamburg.
The Hamburg Games Conference is going hybrid and gets underway on March 2-3, 2022 under the motto of Moving Markets. Leading games industry experts, thought leaders and trade visitors will focus on new sales channels, target groups and innovative business models in future. How should companies remain on the cutting edge of developments in the highly competitive games industry?
Hybrid event concept
Digital on day one, face to face on day two
Delegates will meet online on March 2, 2022 to network per video and to discover new games projects and services as part of the online expo. An interactive platform developed for this year's conference, will be turned into a virtual cruise ship with new content. On March 3, 2022 the Zeise cinemas in Hamburg-Altona will open their doors for talks and discussions, which will also be broadcast live on the online platform, and for networking events. The Gamecity Treff will be held later on March 3, 2022.
Call for Speakers - deadline on November 30, 2021
The Hamburg Games Conference welcomes submissions of conference papers, and proposals in English by November 30, 2021. Early bird tickets for the conference are already available.

Sources and further information
Hamburg Games Conference
The annual Hamburg Games Conference counts among the most important B2B events in Europe's gaming sector. It is organised by the Gamecity Hamburg and Graef Rechtsanwälte. The Hamburg Games Conference 2021, which was held digitally due to the pandemic, was attended by over 650 people from 34 countries. The Hamburg Games Conference was last held locally in February 2020 at the Zeise Cinemas with over 400 international visitors.
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