The awards are the brainchild of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region in co-operation with the federal states, districts, municipalities, Chambers of Commerce and Crafts as well as economic and social partners. "Every day, we experience how people work towards our common good, enrich our society with solidarity and cohesion, and advance our region with courageous ideas and innovations," said the Hamburg Metropolitan Region in a statement. The awards will make this commitment visible and honour it. Speaking during the launch, Yared Dibaba (see centre of photo), jury member and presenter, said: "The Metropolitan Awards show that initiatives with good ideas for our diverse region receive plenty of attention."
Applications and proposals are being accepted from now until the deadline of December 10, 2021 for the "Metropolitaner of 2022" awards. The search is now on for outstanding, cross-border commitment shown by people, associations, foundations and companies across the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. The awards will be presented under the auspices of Dr Peter Tschentscher, Mayor of Hamburg, Daniel Günther, Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Manuela Schwesig, Prime Minister of Mecklenburg West-Pomerania, and Stephan Weil, Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, on April 26, 2022 in the Elbphilharmonie.
Awards to highlight commitment to region
Apply now or submit proposals
Proposals in the categories "People from the Region", "Associations & Foundations" and "Companies" can be submitted online until December 10, 2021. All participants will be entered into a draw for non-cash prizes to discover the metropolitan region, including ten prizes of two tickets for the awards ceremony in the Elbphilharmonie. After a pre-selection by the jury, residents of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region can vote online for the Metropolitan of the Year from mid-February until late March.

Special prize for companies - attracting skilled workers
Cash prizes of EUR 2,500 each will be presented in the categories "People from the Region" and "Associations and Foundations". Hamburg Marketing GmbH will present a special prize in the category "Companies" for special commitment to recruiting skilled workers. Dr. Rolf Strittmatter, Managing Director (on right of photo), noted: "Creativity, the courage to change and innovation are the hallmarks of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. We are delighted to honour innovative companies that make a special effort to attract domestic and foreign skilled workers with the special Metropolitan Awards prize." It sends an important signal for attracting and encouraging talented people throughout the metropolitan region.
Sources and further information
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