Speaking during a visit to the so-called "Stadtpilze" project by Curious Community Labs, which is among 100 projects to benefit from the climate fund so far, Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment, said: "We have promoted the creative, everyday potential in our city for more climate protection since 2019 via the #moinzukunft fund. Projects like the 'city mushrooms' exemplify the many novel ideas in Hamburg to prepare cities for the challenges of climate change." A decentralised food supply project teaches people a low-threshold method for growing edible mushrooms based on urban residues. Another project at a school produces environment-friendly detergent. Other examples are a mobile bicycle repair workshop.
Applicants can submit their climate protection projects for the #moinzukunft Hamburg Climate Fund until the deadline of June 30, 2023, a press release said Monday (May 8, 2023). Entries can be sent to the Hamburg Climate Protection Foundation. A total of EUR 400,000 is available for 2023 and 2024. Non-profit institutions based in Hamburg are eligible for funding.
Everyday potential for more climate protection
Up to EUR 20,000 per project
"The fund enables smaller stakeholders in Hamburg to access funding and to execute their ideas successfully," said Andreas Bartmann, Executive Director of the Hamburg Climate Protection Foundation. Non-profit institutions such as schools and sports clubs as well as educational and social organisations can apply for up to EUR 20,000 per project. Grants of up to EUR 5,000 are also available. A jury of experts will decide on the recipients this summer. More information can be found on the Climate Protection Fund's website.
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