Press release

Applications are now open

3 April 2023
As part of the 2023 Scaleup Landing Pad Hamburg, growing green-tech companies can benefit from customised support worth up to €50,000

f.l.t.r.: Matthias Hansen (Team Scaleup Landing Pad Hamburg), TN Landing Pad 2022: Paul Hugenholtz (UTURN), Lupi Love (INFINITE MOBILITY), Antoine Wenger (Circu Li-ion), Belén Moreno (HySiLabs), Jose Saldana (Impact Hub Hamburg), Tulika Raj (SunGreenH2), Karno Tenovuo (, Johannes Mendgen (Flyability), Sam Vakili (, Partner Landing Pad 2022)

This year, Hamburg once again offers targeted support to young, fast-growing tech companies from the mobility, logistics, energy and construction sectors looking to expand in Germany. The programme aims to connect promising scaleups with relevant companies from the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and to guide them as they grow and develop their business in Hamburg.

Commissioned by Hamburg’s Ministry for Economic Affairs and Innovation and managed by Hamburg Invest, the Scaleup Landing Pad Hamburg is now open for applications. Interested startups can apply online until 30 April 2023 via the dedicated website. Selected candidates will receive services tailored to their individual needs worth up to €50,000 and one-on-one, in-person coaching until the end of 2023. Launched only last year, the Landing Pad included 13 growth companies from across 10 countries, who successfully took part in the programme and greatly benefitted from the customised range of services.

Target group & selection of candidates

Senator for Economic Affairs Melanie Leonhard: "We want to attract strongly growing GreenTech companies to Hamburg. Companies that use innovative technologies to develop sustainable solutions to the challenges facing our city and the world. As a metropolis, we offer internationality, quality of life and an innovative environment. Hamburg has a strong appeal. The Scaleup Landing Pad Hamburg provides further impetus to bring these companies to Hamburg."

Eligible candidates include international scaleups with innovative green-tech products. Companies must document the success of their business in their home market, be in a phase of strong growth, not have branches in Germany yet, and demonstrate the intention to tap into Hamburg’s local ecosystem. All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts. The first admission phase as well as onboarding is scheduled to start in May 2023.

Customised support for companies

Dr Rolf Strittmatter, managing director of Hamburg Invest, said: “Hamburg is Germany’s mobility and logistics hub, the centre of the North German hydrogen ecosystem and home to Europe’s largest inner-city development project. Therefore, Hamburg is better suited than any other location to scale green technologies. The Landing Pad makes it easier than ever to gain a foothold in the German and European markets: with its equipment and needs-based flexibility, the programme is unparalleled in Germany and will continue to strengthen Hamburg’s innovation ecosystem.”

Participating scaleups can choose from the following four components (up to the total value specified above), which will be provided through a curated network of external service providers with Hamburg expertise:

  • Business Development: active matchmaking of scaleups with relevant business partners; support in terms of initiating, identifying funding options for, and implementing pilot projects
  • Living & Workspace: providing up to 8 weeks of accommodation in a furnished flat in the centre of Hamburg as well as up to 8 weeks of coworking space or individual office space, respectively
  • Location Consulting: market and location analysis, advice on organisational and process development, recruitment services for identifying personnel requirements and hiring new staff
  • Business Services: support in terms of marketing and administrative matters, such as visa & work permits, insurance, legal & tax matters, business registration


The overall goal of the Launch Pad programme is to install international scaleups and visionary projects in Hamburg’s constantly growing innovation community and to highlight the city’s strengths and assets as an expansion location for business.

Learn more about the programme

Get in touch with the Scaleup Landing Pad Hamburg

Watch trailer for 2023 programme

Sources and further information

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